Saturday, August 24, 2013

Gruppies and Other Tails of Puppy Gnoshing!

The puppies are eating mush!

That's right, mush! And they are loving it. 

Seppe gettin' into his first mush!

Our babes are three weeks old and it is time to help Mama out with their feeding. She is eating for ten and can hardly keep up with their voracious appetites. 


Thursday, for the first time, the puppies sampled mush, a tasty mix of water and puppy kibble. It tasted familiar to them because it contains puppy crack and Jalapeño has been eating it (as part of her diet) since she became pregnant. 

It didn't take long to jump in head first.

The four boys took to the mush quickly. I was amazed to realize that their teeth had literally appeared overnight. The soft little mouths were now covered with little white razors!

Gumming and gnawing...

The girls were a little slower to get started. 

There was some cautious sniffing.

But in the end, everyone partook.

In a relatively civilized push-and-shove kinda way.

Some puppies ate until they fell asleep in the mush.

The right handed graze and snooze!

The left handed graze-and-snooze.

Others managed to crawl away....

Until they ran into a puppy HEADing in the opposite direction.

And then they just snuggled...

After some half hearted licking...

Eating mush brought out the camaraderie in some of the pups.

After you, my dear.

Well maybe not in all of them...

Hey - It's a pup eat pup world!

Mush sure led to some gruppies grubby puppies.

And some grubby puppy feet! This shot is for you, lil sis!

Gruppy toes!

Some of them did help each other tidy up.

Lemme help you with that.

You have some mush in your ear too!

Others did a little stretching.

Downward puppy and flirt!

The puppies also tried water for the first time. There was some sneezing and snorting. Overall, it was a success.

Sure didn't make it far from the watering hole!

Lil Runt, who is no longer the runt, got a little water down the wrong pipe. Nothing a quick pat on the back won't solve.

It gets easier, I promise.

Other moments of cuteness.

Snoozing in the dry food when no one was looking.

And here are some cute shots of Mr. Teal, known as Ryan Gosling in certain circles.

Dinner was tasty tonight!

Can we have more later?

I won't step in the bowl next time, promise!

Stay tuned as the puppies continue to grow. I may only be able to post a couple of times a week as my full time job has started, but I will continue to photograph and share. I promise. Pup's honor!

There will be lots to see coz their worlds are starting to get bigger!


  1. Aloha! My husband and I live on Kauai and are looking to add a golden to our family. Are you keeping all of these bundles of joy, or looking for good homes for them? :)

  2. Aloha :) We are keeping two and have sold three. We have four more to sell, two males and two females (Teal, Light Green, Dark Green and Purple). They have 75% international blood line (Europe and Australia) and only 25% kama'aina. Full AKC. All certifications. If you are interested in finding out more, please email me at
