Sunday, September 29, 2013

And Then There Were Five!

Get onto the bus
That's gonna take you back to Beelzebub
Get onto the bus....

I was listening to Soul Coughing's Bus to Beelzebub the other day when I glanced into my whelping box.

This is what I saw:

Sissy-PUSS-Puss is ready to stop going rub-a-dub

It was appropriate because the exodus has commenced. 

Once we were nine.

These were the good ole days!

And then our little Nala went home to Penny and Reed. Her name means gift, and a lovely anniversary gift she was for Reed. 

Nala tinkled on me on the way there! It was her way of letting me know she would miss me....

Contemplating life after Nala...there will be less tinkle!

I will miss her too!

And then we were eight.

Where'd that Nala go?

Lani, formerly known as Dark Green, went home to Mama Liana on Friday. Lani's full name is Heali'i O'Na Lani 'O Mauna Kohai, which means Heavenly Royal Princess of Kohala Mountain in Hawaiian.

Final snack before heading up the mountain to her royal home

And then we were seven. 

Puppy pinwheel of seven. It doesn't feel as crowded as usual.

As my Pilates teacher and good friend Karen would say, Seven is Heaven!

Although she usually says that when I'm working my hamstrings. And I don't always agree with her. 

In this case, seven was an easier number of puppies to track. For one day.

Saturday rolled around and Cheryl and Bob rolled up from Hilo. They took Professor Plum Loco, now known as Jake, and Mr. Teal, now known as Woody, back home with them. 

In case you didn't figure it out, they are named after the Blues Brothers! We have a wee bit of a musical theme going here.

Plum Loco plays good bye with Lite Green Jelly Bean.

And gives me a final cuddle. I'm gonna miss that ridge on your nose, Plum!

Plum has been a favorite from the start.

And Mr. Teal will be missed too!

Mr. Teal, then Ryan Gosling and now, Woody!!!

Here the boys snooze on their way home to the east side of the island. Their daddy is a pilot, so these lucky little guys are gonna get to fly!

It's our first long commute!

And then we were five.

Where's everyone going?

Next week our friend Richard will pick up Lil Ms. Blue and Captain Black. We still have Lite Green Jelly Bean to sell. Jamboree and Seppe will be staying with us. 

So if you want a lovely lil girl puppy, lemme know! I'm here to tell you, you can buy love!

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Catnaps and Puppy Play

I'm writing today's blog with two kittens on my lap. I have spent so much time with puppies on my lap lately, that this is a totally different experience.

Lighter, a little more scratchy with the occasional nibble.

Typing with kittens on your lap is akin to sweeping with puppies at your feet.

Challenging. To say the least!

Here is a shot of Turtle on my shoulder. He climbed up there last night and snoozed for an hour.

Prior to this nap, we had our two puppies, Jamboree and Joseppe, in with Turtle and Sissy-PUSS-Puss in the whelping box.

Which I guess is now the cat box, since that is where they are hanging out until they get a little bigger.

There was a lot of posturing, purring and panting.

Here Turtle plays peekaboo with Jammy.

I see you Jammy. Can you see me?

The puppies discovered the kitty food and milk, and that was all she wrote.

Sissy-PUSS-Puss does not approve!

This was, hands down, the best part of the night. Jamboree was asleep and Sissy-PUSS-Puss took the opportunity to get up close and personal.

And then she fell asleep.

Quick catnap. Jammy won't notice!

Here is the video of Sissy-PUSS-Puss falling asleep as she watches Jammy sleep.

And it gets even better. Because here, Jammy twitches in her sleep and wakes Sissy-PUSS-Puss up, who then reacts in sleepy startlement. 

Then, of course, they both fall back asleep!

The puppies did try to pretend that the kittens were not there at times.  Here we have Jammy sampling the whelping box while the kitten looks on.

Wood is tasty. Wonder why its not part of our diet.

Taking a quick nap to get her energy back.

I feel like someone is staring at me....

Ignoring the kitten kaboodle taking place at her head.

If I ignore them long enough, they'll go bother Seppe.

Or not! If you can't beat them, join them!

Here we have Jammy trying to play with Turtle. She was remarkably gentle, considering how generally clumsy she is.

Here Turtle explores Jalapeño's foot. He is not afraid of anything, except Sissy-PUSS-Puss trying to nurse off of him. She doesn't understand that he is a boy kitten with no milk and no nipples yet. She is very confused. You probably are too. Just think about it.

Alright. Enough about the kittens already. It's time for some more puppy shots, after all, this is supposed to be a puppy blog!

Our little Dark Green was recently adopted. She is now called Lani. 

Getting some love in while I still can!

Here is Lani playing in the water bowl. Methinks her new mama had better take her swimming :)

And here she is, looking forlorn after her new mama left!

When can I go with you, Mama?

Little Blue is enjoying a sunlit breakfast of soaked kibble.

It does go down easier when wet.

Jammy and Seppe have some cuddle time.

I'm glad we will always be together.

Jamboree is just too sweet for words.

And cute too!

The puppies are also starting to play and snooze with their toys.

Mammalian-reptilian bonding!

Ball dreams!

We have three puppies left. Email me at if you are interested!

Sunday, September 15, 2013

What's Cuter Than Golden Retriever Puppies? Golden Retriever Puppies and Kittens!

That's right. We've got kittens!!!


Last Saturday evening we were playing with the puppies outside when suddenly I heard a chirp.

The chirp turned into chirps and a little investigating led us to find these guys:

It's a boy!

It's a girl!

They were hiding in the rocks about 10 feet away from our puppy enclosure. Mama was nowhere to be found. They were very small and quite feral. When we picked them up, gently and with gloves, they spat at us and looked like scared little dandelions shooting their seeds out into the world. We put them in a large tupperware with tuna, water and coconut milk.

We are vegans and this is Hawai'i after all!

Fortunately we still had cans of tuna. Piña enjoys some tuna on occasion. Most of the time she gets fresh ahi.... but every once in a while...


Lil babies!

Monday my amazing friend Penny came over and took the kittens from us. A visit to the vet told us the kittens were four weeks old, although physically they were the size of three week old cats. Penny is now fostering Bonnie and Clyde, or is it Zsa Zsa and George...She's still working on names!

Penny working her magic. They didn't look like dandelions around her!

What a little love can do....

Here the kitties are meeting the other members of Penny's household.

Should we worry about Rocko's tongue?

So Monday evening rolled around. We had just situated the puppies back inside the house and were watching a little internet tv when I hear another chirp.

The chirp turned into chirps and a little investigating led us to find these guys:

It's a boy!


It's a girl!


So now we have our own two cats while Penny continues to foster our two other cats.

Clearly it is time for more cute kitten pictures.

This is Turtle. He is a boy. He is very curious, gregarious and loving. He led his sister right up to our lanai door.

Just call me Turtle!

He was so tiny. All legs and eyes.

With the courage of a lion. And the curiosity of .... well.... I guess a cat!

He has very pretty blue eye and a strange outline on his nose.

This is Sissy-PUSS-Puss. His sister.

She's a fraidy-cat.

 But she is starting to warm up.

I guess I can trust you. Turtle says you're ok.

Little cat nap!

Post-nap stretch!

And she has the cutest yellow cheek highlights!

Her eyes are also a startling blue. This towel brings them out! She's thinking of using this shot for her Facebook profile.

Sitting purrrrrty.

So we have one dog, nine puppies and two kittens.

The chicks and hen house are going to have to wait until October!

And now, I guess it is time for everyone to meet.

Here is a video of Turtle and Sissy-PUSS-Puss checking out Jamboree as she gets her belly rubbed. Seppe is peeking in the background.

Jammy can handle anything as long as there is a good belly rub involved!

Meeting Turtle was fun!

Hello pardner!

Hi, I'm Jammy. Welcome to our family!

But also exhausting. Meeting a new species can be taxing.

I'm just resting my eyes.

Really, I only need five minutes to rest.

Turtle took the opportunity to get a closer look at the large, clumsy, furry puppy.

I think she is sleeping. I will make my move.

So far, so good. 

She's not so scary. I think we can be friends.

Sissy-PUSS-Puss preferred to check things out from a distance.

I guess Jamboree is ok.

As did Seppe, who was also a part of the meet and greet. We only involved the two puppies we are keeping and the kittens.

Meeting the kitties wore him out as well!

While the puppies slept, the kittens played.

And eventually, they all napped.

Turtle also wanted to meet the other pups. Here is is interacting with Mr. Black. Notice Mama's shadow as she keeps an eye on things!

So a lot has happened. First baths, first rain, second bath, first rawhide chews.

Here are some shots of puppies enjoying chews for the first time.

Chewy goodness!

Chewing and cuddling.

Hope my chewing doesn't wake her up!

Seppe was asleep and we put the end of the chew in his mouth. He chewed it in his sleep. And don't worry, we watched him so he wouldn't choke!

Chewy dreams!

Our family has grown unexpectedly so I guess this blog will include some kitty information from now on....

And just coz.... here is a shot of a rainbow over the ocean. The expression "No rain, no rainbows" does not apply to the Kohala Coast!

We have three puppies left for sale (as pets only); Professor Plum Loco (born Mr. Purple), Ms. Lite Green Jelly Bean and Mr. Teal.  If you are interested, please email me ( They go for $1200 and are available October 1st.

Mr. Teal - Our most elegant puppy

Ms. Lite Green Jelly Bean is a lover.

Professor Plum Loco is big and steady.